Join MariLUG
We want you!
Do you love to build LEGO® models? Are you interested in putting your creations on display for all to see? Do you want to become part of the AFOL (adult fan of LEGO) social community? Do you live in or enjoy visiting Canada's Maritime provinces? If so, you're eligible to join MariLUG as an Active Member!
Just looking to keep in touch? You can join our network of Associates! We also accept TFOLs (teen fans of LEGO) as Associates until they're old enough to become Active Members.
Is MariLUG right for me?
Let's make sure you're the right fit! We're a hobby club, not a commerce group. We are adults, but our displays are for all ages. We're in this for the joy of building, and we're looking for kindred spirits who are in it for the same reason. We're more than just LEGO fans - we're LEGO exhibitors.
What MariLUG is
A group of adult hobbyists who create LEGO builds for public display
A place to make connections
Collaborative and communicative
Eager to share our hobby with others
Adherent to LEGO brand values and our own Bylaws and Code of Conduct
What MariLUG isn't
A buying, selling, collecting or trading group
A play group for children
An online discussion group exclusively
For profit
A place for inappropriate content